Frequenty Asked Questions (Admin)

Frequently asked questions by Mailman 3 administrators.

1. Confirmation emails to Users has wrong domain name (!)

This happens when your reverse (SSL) proxy isn’t setting up the correct headers when proxying requests. Fix this by setting the right proxy_set_header directives:

# For Nginx.
location / {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/;

Appropriate headers for different web servers needs to be set if something other than Nginx is being used.

2. The domain name displayed in Hyperkitty shows or something else.

The name of the domain comes from the SITE_ID which should be to set to the domain you want to display. If you have Postorius >= 1.3.3 The Domains view will show you the SITE_ID for the domain and has an Edit link to the Django admin UI entry for that site.

Otherwise, you can go to the Django admin Sites view (/admin or /<prefix>/admin) and see the DOMAIN NAME and DISPLAY NAME for each defined site, and you can edit the domain name.

Note that setting SITE_ID = 0 in Django’s settings will cause HyperKitty to display the DISPLAY NAME for the domain whose DOMAIN NAME matches the accessing domain. However, do not set SITE_ID = 0 in a new installation without any existing Sites as this will cause an issue in applying migrations. Only set SITE_ID = 0 after there are domains defined in the Django admin Sites view.

3. How to enable debug logging in Mailman Core?

There are a couple of loggers in Mailman Core which can be individually cofigured with log levels. Available loggers are:

  • archiver – All archiver output

  • bounce – All bounce processing logs go here

  • config – Configuration issues

  • database – Database logging (SQLAlchemy and Alembic)

  • debug – Only used for development

  • error – All exceptions go to this log

  • fromusenet – Information related to the Usenet to Mailman gateway

  • http – Internal wsgi-based web interface

  • locks – Lock state changes

  • mischief – Various types of hostile activity

  • plugins – Plugin logs

  • runner – Runner process start/stops

  • smtp – SMTP activity

  • subscribe – Information about leaves/joins

  • vette – Message vetting information

You can set their log levels by adding the following to your mailman.cfg:

level: DEBUG

4. How to print logs to standard out instead of regular files in Mailman Core?

For each of the available loggers (listed in FAQ #3), you can set the path for each logger separately in mailman.cfg:

path: /dev/stdout

5. What is Mailman-web?

Mailman web is basically a set of configuration files for deploying Mailman’s web frontend packaged in a single Python package. It provides a command line, mailman-web which can be used to run administrative commands.

If you are familiar with Django, or have seen older versions of this documentation, mailman-web command is equivalent of running django-admin --pythonpath /etc/mailman3/ --settings settings. It just makes it simpler to run administrative commands and simplify user documentation.

See documentation for Mailman-web.

6. How to disable signup?

To disable signup/registartion for new users, while continuing to allow signed up users to login, you can add the following to your

# /etc/mailman3/
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'django_mailman3.views.user_adapter.DisableSignupAdapter'

To disable only social account signups, but keep the signups open, you can add the following to your

# /etc/mailman3/
SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'django_mailman3.views.user_adapter.DisableSocialSignupAdapter'

You would need django-mailman3 >= 1.3.6 for these settings to work.

7. How to change language in Mailman 3?